Acne grade 2: everything you need to know

Acne grade 2: everything you need to know - Creamy Skincare

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Acne grade 2 everything you need to know everything you need to know is a very common dermatological condition, affecting both women and men. The appearance of blackheads and pimples can be quite bothersome, causing discomfort, pain, and even leading to low self-esteem and insecurity. However, this is a problem with treatment options!

In this article, Creamy explains everything you need to know about grade 2 acne: treatment, causes, age range, and more. Here, you'll also find information about other types of this issue to learn how to differentiate them and understand the most suitable treatments. Keep reading!

What Is Acne?

Before understanding grade 2 acne, it's essential to comprehend what acne is. Well, acne is the name given to the inflammatory process that occurs when pores become clogged due to the accumulation of sebum, bacteria, and/or dead skin cells.

Acne is primarily characterized by the appearance of blackheads and pimples, but other manifestations such as pustules and nodules are also common in this condition.

The causes behind blackheads and pimples are varied and can range from hormonal imbalances, which are common during adolescence, to the use of certain types of cosmetics, the consumption of oil-rich products, and inadequate skin cleansing.

Although acne is more common in adolescence, people of any age can have this problem. It tends to occur most frequently on the face, chest, back, and neck. Additionally, situations that cause hormonal imbalances, such as stress and the menstrual cycle, can exacerbate the condition.

Types of Acne

According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, acne can be divided into four types, varying in severity and characteristics of skin lesions. These types are:

Grade 1 acne: characterized by blackheads only, without inflammatory processes; Grade 2 acne: the most common during adolescence, characterized by small blackheads and pimples, as well as inflamed lesions with yellowish pus; Grade 3 acne: presents larger and deeper lesions, causing redness, pain, and significant inflammation; Grade 4 acne: characterized by large cystic lesions, abscesses, and scars.

Grade 2 Acne

Treatment for Grade 2 Acne

Dealing with grade 2 acne can be frustrating, especially if you frequently experience pimples on your face. However, this is a condition that can be treated and effectively controlled with some simple daily steps.

To treat grade 2 acne, the first step is to invest in a cleanser or gel specifically designed for acne-prone skin and wash your face twice a day—morning and night. Avoid excessive facial cleansing to prevent worsening the lesions. Moreover, it's not recommended to squeeze blackheads and pimples.

Topical treatment for acne also includes the use of products containing compounds capable of regulating sebum production and drying out pimples, helping to combat the inflammatory process. Some effective active ingredients for this treatment include salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, and azelaic acid.

It's advisable to consult a dermatologist before starting any treatment. In more severe cases or when over-the-counter products are not effective, the doctor may prescribe specific medications to assist in acne control.

After the appearance of blackheads and pimples, it's important to treat acne and focus on prevention to stop the problem from recurring. Avoid prolonged sun exposure and cosmetics that increase skin oiliness, and always remove makeup before bedtime to prevent pore blockage.

Product Recommendations for Acne

At Creamy, you can find some products that can help combat grade 2 acne. For instance, there's the Anti-Acne Exfoliating Tonic with Salicylic Acid, a quickly absorbed liquid solution that can be applied right after cleansing the skin. With xylitol and tea tree in its composition, this dermo cosmetic can be used both day and night.

This tonic reduces oiliness, unclogs pores, and provides superficial chemical exfoliation to the face, preventing the formation of blackheads and pimples and smoothing the appearance of lesions. It contains a complex that balances the skin's microbiota, along with soothing ingredients that reduce redness and discomfort caused by acne.

Creamy: The Best Formulas for Acne-Prone Skin

Now that you know everything about grade 2 acne, it's time to invest in the best treatments to combat irritation and maintain healthier and smoother skin. Creamy can help in this journey! The intelligent formulas are developed for all stages of skincare for acne-prone skin.

At Creamy, you can find innovative combinations of active ingredients to soothe, dry out blackheads and pimples, and control oiliness, preventing new inflammations from occurring. The formulas are eco-friendly, vegan, and 100% dermatologically tested. Check out the kit for oily and acne-prone skin today!

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