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Pimples and blackheads are common in different phases of life, but acne in adolescence tends to be bothersome and can harm self-esteem. With various types of development, each case can be unique but needs to be treated properly for skin improvement.

Creamy will help you understand what causes acne and how to treat it safely, with daily habits and a skincare routine. With the right guidance, you can consult a dermatologist in time to reduce inflammation from the first signs!

What Causes Acne in Adolescence?

If you're wondering why acne is more common during adolescence, the answer is simple: hormonal changes. Androgens and estrogens hormones are produced in greater quantities during puberty. The first type is responsible for the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which produce sebum and skin oiliness.

According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, these glands are more active on the face, chest, back, and scalp, where acne tends to be more frequent. It starts as an inflammation of these structures and pilosebaceous follicles, and it can manifest in different forms:

  • Comedones, known as blackheads or whiteheads;
  • Papules (solid, rounded lesions);
  • Pustules (lesions with pus);
  • Nodules (lesions that expand into deeper layers and can cause scarring);
  • Cysts (larger pustules that reach other levels of the skin, causing pain and redness).

Acne in adolescence can have different stages and symptoms, with comedones, papules, and pustules being the most common. They can evolve into more severe inflammation and discomfort when extracted with the hands, which deposit more bacteria and do not clean the pores, as many people believe.

The Brazilian Society of Dermatology emphasizes that the habit of picking at the pimples can cause other infections, spots, and discolorations, making treatment more challenging. Extractions are not recommended, even in professional facials, as they can also increase irritation in the area and leave the pore exposed.

How to Prevent Acne?

Acne in adolescence can also worsen with various daily habits that intensify sebum production in the skin, especially dietary choices. Despite what many people think, chocolate is not a direct cause of acne, but excessive sugar and milk intake can harm the skin.

Milk, for example, is considered by experts as a beverage that can trigger acne due to its sugar content and the presence of cow hormones. Sugar, sugary drinks, and other high glycemic index foods increase blood sugar levels and stimulate sebum production.

These foods don't need to be completely eliminated, but reducing consumption and adopting a healthy diet can reduce inflammatory processes. Moreover, it's essential to stay adequately hydrated by drinking water throughout the day, as hydration is crucial for improving pore appearance and skin texture.

Furthermore, excessive and unprotected sun exposure exacerbates acne in adolescence and should be avoided. The sun can dry out pimples, leaving marks, while heat increases sebum production and exacerbates existing inflammations.

What Are the Treatments for Acne in Adolescence?

The treatment for acne in adolescence should be guided by a dermatologist, who analyzes the skin type and the patient's history because there may be hormonal diseases influencing the care needed. Nevertheless, daily skincare can reduce blackheads and pimples.

In facial cleansing, pores are unclogged, and oiliness is reduced with the active ingredients in the facial cleanser formula. Zinc PCA, present in Creamy's Cleansing Gel, reduces oiliness without drying out the skin and can be used even by those with sensitive skin.

Salicylic acid is another ally found in products for acne in adolescence, as it has exfoliating power to reduce oiliness, blackheads, and pimples. It is combined with tea tree, pre and post-biotic complex, and xylitol in Creamy's toning solution, which complements cleansing and balances the skin.

To protect the skin and prevent marks, sunscreen should be applied daily and reapplied every three hours. Face uniformization can be done in the evening treatment with Glicointense Peel, responsible for:

  • Combating acne formation;
  • Eliminating blackheads and pimples;
  • Lightening acne marks;
  • Reducing enlarged pores;
  • Controlling oiliness and shine.

Create an Acne Skincare Routine with Creamy!

If you're dealing with acne in adolescence or at other stages of life and need to establish a skincare routine, rely on Creamy products! The intelligent formulas use compounds that improve skin appearance and have clinically proven effects.

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