Acne grade 1: Know the characteristics and how to identify it

Acne grade 1: Know the characteristics and how to identify it - Creamy Skincare

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Blackheads and pimples can become the enemies of skincare when they are frequent and persistent, even harming a person's self-esteem. Since there are different levels of development, such as grade 1 acne, it is essential to understand them to initiate proper treatments.

Don't worry if you don't know what grade 1 acne is; Creamy will teach you how to identify it to seek medical help. Remember that all skincare should be guided by professionals to avoid rebound effects and worsened conditions. Keep reading to learn everything about this condition!

What Is Grade 1 Acne?

According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatological Surgery (SBCD), acne is a condition that develops during adolescence and is characterized by blackheads and pimples, formed by inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Although it has a single formation process, it can appear in different stages.

Grade 1 acne is characterized by blackheads only in various areas of the face, with no inflammatory lesions (pimples). It can appear in specific spots, such as the nose, chin, and around the mouth, or spread. These blackheads can be either closed (with a white exterior) or open (blackheads).

Although it is the mildest level, blackheads can form in large quantities, altering the skin's texture and uniformity. Extracting them at home without professional help can worsen the condition because sebum and bacteria can enter the pores even further. This causes inflammation and, consequently, the appearance of a pimple.

Therefore, grade 1 acne can progress to other types characterized by the presence of pus, red lesions, and more apparent sizes, which require more intensive care routines.

What Are the Differences Compared to Other Grades?

According to the SBCD, other grades differ in terms of the presence of blackheads, papules (small, solid, elevated, round, and reddish lesions), pustules (pimples with pus), nodules, and cysts (larger than the previous ones, expanding into deeper layers). They are categorized as follows:

Grade 2: Skin with blackheads, papules, and pustules; Grade 3: Blackheads, pustules, and cysts; Grade 4: Blackheads, pustules, and cystic lesions that can join beneath the skin.

How Does It Develop, and How Can It Be Identified?

So, how does grade 1 acne occur? Can anyone develop it? Which are the characteristics? Since it is characterized only by blackheads, it is common in anyone and can be caused by various factors, such as an increase in androgen hormones, excessive sun exposure, use of oily products, facial oiliness, and accumulation of dead cells and bacteria.

As mentioned, blackheads can be either black or white. The first ones are open and wider, with a dark color due to oxidation when exposed to air. The latter form beneath the skin and are covered by keratin, with no change in color.

Although they are primarily observed in grade 1 acne on the face, they can also develop on the neck, arms, back, and shoulders. After identifying them, treatment should be initiated for a significant reduction before the condition progresses to other levels.

What Are the Treatment Options?

The treatment for grade 1 acne begins with skin cleansing, as pores need to be unclogged and remain free of impurities, such as sunscreen residue, makeup, and dust. This step should be done in both your daytime and nighttime skincare routines with a gentle gel or lotion to avoid skin irritation.

Creamy's Cleansing Gel, for example, has a rich texture that prevents hand friction on the face and a formula that reduces sensitivity and oiliness. The effect is even better when an exfoliant is applied twice a week to deeply unclog pores.

Toners are also products for acne, as they can contain active ingredients that help with cleansing and balancing sebum production. Salicylic acid reduces oiliness and removes impurities from pores, preventing the formation of blackheads and pimples. When combined with a pre and post-biotic complex, as in Creamy's exfoliating tonic, it inhibits bacteria proliferation.

When seeking medical help to learn how to treat grade 1 acne, a dermatologist may also recommend aesthetic procedures such as facials. It is one of the quickest ways to extract blackheads, but it also requires special care to prevent microorganisms from entering newly opened pores.

Take Care of Acne with Creamy!

Knowing how grade 1 acne develops and presents itself allows you to identify it and seek treatment. Combined with medical guidance, Creamy's intelligent formulas help you manage the condition, balance skin texture, and reduce blackheads and pimples.

If you have questions about the products best suited for your skin type, take the website quiz to receive a suggested skincare routine, considering all daytime and nighttime steps.

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